American Citizens Inform Yourself

by Dan Dannaldson of RTD Refurbishing ( 14-Sep-2009 )
Overwhelming changes in the fabric of our country are in motion. Our Founding Fathers would be appalled. What allowed this country to become the best in the world is being systematically degraded. With the internet, there is no excuse for ignorance, you must take it upon your self to take the initiative to know what the House and Senate are doing. When the legislation in process is passed you will be very upset at the unintended consequences. The Healthcare Reform Bill # 3200 is available for you to see for yourself. Take the initiative to spend some time with it ! Just Google it. Do you know what Cap and Trade is?  Cap and Trade when passed will put  a very high federal tax on coal. The administration is very clear that it must be done to cause us to go to ""renewable " resources like wind and solar. Everyones electric bill will be 4 to 10 times what you are paying now. Just call your utility company if you doubt this. What will happen to the budget of your city and schools ? You will be assesed more in taxes to cover it. Investigate for your self about Cap and Trade. It's Bogus and based on the premise that carbon dioxide is a green house gas. The earth is 5 billion years old. The climate has and always will continue to change. Politician/scientists have make global warming into being politically correct. Politicians established that the average global temperature should remain set based on about 10 years ago. Investigate who controls these numbers.

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