Extend the life of your water heater

by John G. of Plumb Pro ( 26-Jan-2014 )

Extending the life of your water heater can be done in just a few simple steps and can not only extend the life of your heater but save on energy cost as well. Follow these easy steps to save some $$$$$

1: Turn off electricity or gas.

2: Turn off water @ valve on top of unit which should be located on the incoming cold water side.

3: Connect water hose to drain port located at bottom of unit.

4: Turn drain port on at bottom of unit. Water heater should be draining but if this is not a habit we may have to turn on the pressure on at top of unit for just a moment to blow out debris and get the draining process started.

5: When we are getting some flow we can then open the pressure relief valve which is located either the top or the side of the unit. You open the T&P relief valve by pointing lever straight out from valve and this should allow air into unit to push water out.

6: When unit is completely drained go ahead and shut pressure relief valve and re-charge water at the top of unit still having drain port open to force any extra debris out.

7: Now let's turn off drain port and disconnect hose.

8: Inside of your home you will now open up a tub valve on the hot side in order to release the air from the water heater while it is continuing to fill.

9: After heater is full and water, not air is coming through tub valve, you may now turn your electricity or gas back on. Follow instructions for re-lighting gas fired units or have a licensed contractor provide these services. 

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