by StarLight Chihuahuas Collective Research of Nevada StarLight Chihuahuas ( 16-Jul-2012 )


The housebreaking process can be a long tedious one at that. Most pet owners and Chihuahua Breeders prefer to crate train their Chihuahua puppies; this is the most practical way to train. This method starts by having a schedule where your Chihuahua pup either goes to the bathroom in the crate or is allowed specific time to go outside to eliminate. You must choose one and stick with it. This is where positive reinforcement comes into play. You will want to reward and praise your Chihuahua pup when he goes to the bathroom in the correct place and simply state a firm “no!” when your pup goes to the bathroom anywhere else than the correct area.

The crate is a big part of the training process. Your Chihuahua pup will not eliminate in the crate if the crate is the primary resting area. This being said, you must understand that your Chihuahua pup will also need to go outside upon waking up and also right after eating. You must remember this and if you hear your Chihuahua puppy crying in its crate this probably means that the pup may need to go outside to eliminate. Also it is important to remember that Chihuahua puppies cannot hold their bladder all night long. They frequently will need to go outside often times in the middle of the night.

It is important to be consistent as well. You must never use harsh or violent methods to correct when housebreaking your Chihuahua pup; only use the positive reinforcement techniques. The crate is your main tool to training; you have complete control over when and where the Chihuahua puppy can go to the bathroom not.


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