How Much Love is enough to pick up Lucky Dog Poop Daily?

by Mela Marsh of Go Green Pets and You ( 28-Jul-2009 )
Trials and Tribulations with Dealing with Angry Neighbors; from a series of stories “Walking with My Dog” by Grey Poodle. I love to walk with my dog. Does it mean that picking up her poop is a wonderful time as well? I walk with my fifteen year old dog at least twice a day. We have a long walk in the morning and early evening. That means I pick up her poop multiple times on a regular basis. My next door neighbor asked me why I wear such a big belt with many packages on my waist every time I walk with my dog. Well every packet on my belt has a purpose. The largest space is for dog poop packages and picked up waste. The other areas carry digital camera, pepper spray and the Handi-drink portable pet bowl for my best friend when she gets thirsty. The Handi-drink portable bowl is a combination water bottle with a fold out built in bowl which makes it easy to give water to my dog. If you just have a regular belt the Handi-drink portable pet bowl comes with an easy on, easy off non slip belt clip. The reason why I started carrying the digital camera is that sometimes you see unexpected pictures. One time I saw a very old lady with a walking stick and behind her was a very old dog walking without a lease and behind the dog was a very old cat without a lease as well. All three of them were walking very slowly and not seeming to care about the world around them. They were the world for each other and I wish I had a camera as it would have been an awesome picture. When my dog is looking for a place to do her “business” she goes through a long ritual to find the right spot. She will smell and go in circles and then move to another spot and start the process all over again until she decides she has found the perfect desirable spot to eliminate her feces. Sometimes she will take a few minutes to go through her ritual, but most of the time she will check out one of my neighbor’s yards just to change her mind and go to the next yard searching for the most perfect spot. Sometimes I feel she imagines herself on stage with a large audience. Once, awhile back in the early evening and a few blocks away, she was doing her typical procedure and the home owner shined his flashlight on her and followed her with a circular light doing her ritual movement. I assumed she imagined herself in front of a large audience and the flashlight did not bother her in the least, and it helped her to see the “perfect spot” better. I ended up in the shined light performance as well as I bent over with a dog disposable packet in the spot light. Another time a neighbor was screaming from her car as she was parking that my dog was “sh*#$ing all over her yard”. She was not familiar with my dog’s style of finding the perfect spot. This lady was saying that all of her front yard is full of my miniature poodle’s poop. I showed her packages of picked up poop, which did not convince her. I tried to explain to her that there are plenty of unchaperoned cats and dogs in the neighborhood. New neighbors who recently moved into one of the many foreclosed homes in the neighborhood asked me to not let my dog go in their front yard. Even not on the first ten feet which is county property. Does it mean that the neighborhood is decent that a lady with a small dog is not afraid to walk there? I would be worried more if no one walks around the area. I’m like a neighborhood watch and onetime I was walking with my dog and I found a toddler in the middle of street without his parents in sight and I don’t believe that a car would see him. The little boys’ parents left the front door open. There has been a few times that my dog and I have returned lost dogs to their owners. Should my dog and I have more understanding from the dog/animal haters of the world? One time my dog and I saw a group of teenagers and one of them was peeing on the front yard of my neighbors’ house. When I confronted the boy he said that “your dog does it, why can’t I?” My dog was wagging her tail and at this moment she realized that homo-sapiens and carnivores have much in common. The last thing I do after a walk is put my dogs poop to recycle in the Doggie Dooly which is dug into the ground and is a way to digest pet waste in an environmentally sound way. You can read more about the few products mentioned in this article at

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