Interview with Ilan Chotovelli

by 4W Magazine of CHOTOVELLI ( 8-Jul-2011 )

Ilan Chotovelli, the third-generation of a family of

prestigious watchmakers and jewlers from Torino,

recently visited Panama to present his most recent

collection of watches –a line of uniquely large

timepieces inspired in the meters and gauges of Fiat

and Alfa Romeo automobiles.

Panama is one of the first Latin American markets

in which the Chotovelli name brand is promoted –a

fact that Ilan Chotovelli attibutes to the country’s

increasing popularity as a center of international

trade and tourism. “A lot of people are coming

to Panama because it’s a place where big things is surely a good time to start doing

business here,” he said.

Although the family tradition started with his

grandfather back in 1920, the Chotovelli brand of

watches is a relativelly new entreprise, launched

by Ilan and his sister, Tamara, in late 2005. Their

first watches went for sale in July of the following


Ilan’s fascination with automobile motifs was

inherited from his father, who worked in the gauge

department of Fiat for many years. The idea,

Ilan Chotovelli and his newly-discovered

love affair with Panama

The young entrepreneur and designer is the heir to 90 years of Italian

watchmaking tradition

La fascinación de Ilan con los motivos automovilísticos fue heredada de su padre,

quien laboró en el departamento de indicadores de Fiat durante muchos años. La

idea, no obstante, fue completada junto a su cuñado mientras ambos hojeaban

una revista de carros un día. “De repente nos encontramos con un indicador de

combustible de un Alfa Romeo, y fue así como todo empezó”, explicó.

A Ilan Chotovelli le gustan los relojes grandes –una característica común en los años

1940 y 50 –la época dorada de los relojes de pulsera. A pesar de la rara combinación

del tamaño con los motivos de autos, el proyecto resultó exitoso, especialmente en

los países Escandinavos, España, Grecia y la región del Benelux.

Chotovelli define sus relojes como exclusivos, mas no caros. “Nuestras creaciones son

en definitiva exclusivos, y nuestros clientes difícilmente encontrarán modelos similares

en otra parte. Sin embargo, la exclusividad no significa precios altos. Nuestras piezas

son relativamente accesibles, y deseamos que las cosas permanezcan así”, dijo Ilan,

quien pasa la mayor parte de su tiempo viajando por el mundo en busca de nuevos

mercados cuando no se encuentra diseñando relojes.

Ilan Chotovelli creció entre su natal Torino y Antwerp, Bélgica, en donde se radicó

su familia para entrar en el negocio del comercio de diamantes en los años 1980.

Aunque es el heredero de una tradición familiar de 90 años, Chotovelli reveló a 4W

Magazine que recibió su primer reloj a los 13 años. Dijo: “Lo primero que hice con él

fue abrirlo para ver cómo funcionaba...esa es mi pasión”. Ilan confiesa, no obstante,

que se siente más atraído por el estilo del reloj en lugar de los aspectos mecánicos

de la profesión –algo en el que su padre, ya jubilado, era experto. “Papá es un

adicto a la perfección de la calidad. Solía arrojar los relojes al suelo para probar su

durabilidad. También he heredado la misma filosofía”.

however, was completed in conjunction with his brother-in-law while looking at a

car magazine on day. “All in a sudden we came across an Alfa Romeo gauge and

that’s how everything started,” he explained.

Ilan Chotovelli likes big watches –a common feature back in the 1940’s

and ‘50’s –the heyday of wrist timepieces. Despite the rare combination

of large size and car motifs, the venture proved to be successful,

especially in Scandinavia, Spain, Greece and the Benelux.

Chotovelli defines his watches as exclusive, yet not expensive.

“Our creations are definitely exclusive, and our customers

will hardly find a similar watch elsewhere. Yet, exclusiveness

doesn’t necesarily mean high costs. Our pieces are relatively

accesible, and we want things to remain that way,” said Ilan,

who spends his time traveling around the world to open

new markets whenever he is not on the drawing board.

Ilan Chotovelli grew up between his native Torino and

Antwerp, Beligum, where the family relocated to in

order to enter into the diamond trading business in the

1980’s. Although he is the heir to a 90-year-old tradition,

Chotovelli told 4W Magazine he received his first watch

from his father ata ge 13. He said: “The first thing I did with

it was to open it to see how it works...that’s my passion.”

He confesses, nevertheless, that he is more attracted to a

watch’s style rather than by the sheer mechanical aspects of

the trade, something his retired father knows best. “My father

is addicted to quality perfection. He had the habit of throwing

watches on the floor to test their durability. I’ve also inherited

the same philosophy.”

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