Letting Go of Limits

by Connie Dixon of Angel Girl Insights ( 29-Jun-2010 )

The majority of people in our society live limited lives.  Millions of families are living pay check to pay check.  They live limited lives because of limitations that they place upon themselves.  They might argue that their circumstances have placed these limitations upon them.  Perhaps they were born in to the wrong family, the wrong neighborhood, or under an unlucky star.  And yet, others in similar circumstances have thrived.  Similar circumstances yielding different results for different people.  If circumstances dictated limits, this could not occur.  Therefore, it is not so much the circumstances that limit a person, but rather the reaction in their thoughts and feelings to those circumstances.   The level of the person’s consciousness also plays a role in the outcome of circumstances. 

If you focus on life from a purely intellectual perspective, you will live a life of intense limitations.  Relying on intellect alone means that you have limited resources to utilize in addressing the circumstances of your life.  These resources include your experience, past history, formal education and your own feelings of self-worth.  All of these resources are finite.  Your experience is limited.  While you can expand your formal education, you are limited to what you have learned thus far in any given moment.    For many people, their sense of self-worth is the most limited resource of all.  Society rewards conformity over individuality or creativity.  As children many people were taught in school to memorize dates, facts, and figures.  Few (if any) were taught the importance of creative problem solving.  It is no wonder that many people feel limited by life.

However, it is not too late.  You can still learn to release the limits that have been holding you back.  Here are five things that you can do to start releasing the limits you have imposed upon yourself through your own intellectual mind.

1.      Recognize there is a greater part of you that is non-physical and has access to greater resources than your intellect.  There is a spiritual part of us that keeps us connected to our Source.  That Source whether you call it God, Creator, Universal mind or something else, holds a greater vision for your life.  It has a broader perspective and knows only love and acceptance for you. 

2.      Accept that this Source part of you is working toward your highest good and that the best way to find happiness is to get into agreement with this Source.  This Source is constantly seeking to expand your life and experiences.  This Source is always emanating well-being in your direction.  You have the choice to accept or reject that well-being.

3.      Recognize that you accept the well-being by focusing on what you want and giving no thought, no attention and no energy to what you do not want.  Constantly practice reaching for a better thought.  Constantly practice looking for gratitude in your life, no matter what your current circumstances might be.

4.      Ask for what you want in life AND expect to receive it, but do not be attached to the channel through which it may come to you. Then you must be wiling to receive it. This concept is illustrated exceptionally well in the book “Ask and It is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks.  I can highly recommend any of the material they have shared.   I  a huge ah-ha moment when after reading this book when I realized that I didn’t have to figure out how my well being was going to come to me.  You don’t have to either.  You do not have to know how your improved circumstances will unfold.  That is the job of the Source part of you.  You just have to be open to new opportunities and to be willing to accept improved circumstances.

5.      Always seek to remain in alignment with your Source.  A key element in staying aligned with your Source is staying focused in the moment, on the positive aspects of your current circumstances. 

It is also important for you to open to and remain aware of your intuitive guidance.  Listen to your gut.  Pay attention to your hunches.  When you feel that intuitive nudge to go somewhere or do something, listen to it.  Pay attention.  That is the Source part of yourself guiding you to better circumstances.  Last but not least, when you receive that intuitive guidance, take inspired action.

If you are consistent with listening to your Source self and take inspired action, before you know it you will find yourself moving beyond the illusion of limits to live the life of your dreams.

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