Whom to Blame

by Leonard Fabiano of Leonard J Fabiano for Congress 2012 ( 13-Apr-2012 )




 There is no end to debate over the actions of our Government that we citizens feel are strangling our rights and confiscating our property through taxes. We blame the Socialized Medicine Bill on Obama. We blame the Patriot Act on Terrorists. We blame the Federal Reserve Cartel for the destruction of our Economic Base. We blame the destructive actions of EPA Agents against the property rights of our Citizens on Bureaucrats.  We blame the ineptitude of FEMA workers’ mishandling of National Disasters on bureaucrats. We blame The Federal Department of Education for the failures of our Nation’s Public Schools. We blame the TSA for the treatment we receive when boarding a Commercial Airline Flight. The list goes on and on.


 Is it the fault of the Bureaucrats, the President and Company, Congress, the Economy, the Weather???


 All these things are a result of Laws that were passed by the Federal Government. It seems our President, with the approval of the UN and NATO, can start a war anywhere. Although wars cost money and the Congress must approve the funds to keep the War going. Congress holds the power over spending our money. If Congress withholds the money for any of the programs listed above they would be forced to close down and go away.


 So all the problems we have with our Government actions stem from mismanaged or bad legislation over our Citizens Lives and Property. Let us ask ourselves who in the world has given the US Congress the right to cause so many problems? Who hired them to vote for and pass a myriad of Unconstitutional Bills that are taking away our rights and property?


Answer: We did, both the Delegates and the people. How can we change what is being done to us? 


It is said that continuing the same action over and over again and expecting different results is a sign of insanity…


If you were running a privately owned company you would develop criteria to measure the performance of your employees. When you discover you have employees that are causing waste, damage, bad public relations, etc. you replace them with new employees and keep closer track of their job performance.


Do you have reason to complain about the laws we are laboring under? Compare the number of complaints we have now to what it was like 10, 20 or 30 years ago. We all know it is far worse today than it was years ago. We are in big trouble. Does it make sense to depend on the same people to make the needed corrections?


We should treat our Congressional Representatives just like we would employees. This is actually much more feasible for the House of Representatives, because they have a two year term. An evaluation takes place every two years. For the Senate it is far more difficult because of their six year term. Before the 17th Amendment the State Legislature could fire a Senator and send another one quickly, but of course we don’t have that ability any more. Therefore we must be very careful who we hire for that job.


How do we know if our Representatives are doing a good job or not? Most people seem to think that all you have to do is listen to what the Representative tells you. Would it not be better to ask them what they have done to correct the problems with the unconstitutional laws they have voted for and passed? Almost everyone has problems related to unconstitutional laws especially here in Utah with the likes of the EPA, the Department of Energy, etc. If you do not approve of what the Federal Government is doing to you, replace your representatives or bear the consequences.


Leonard (Joe) Fabiano - Candidate for 1st Congressional District 2012

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