Wish Away

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Business Information

wish, fountain, garden, rock garden, wind chimes, house plants, rare coins, penny, nickel, quarter, gold, silver, telescope, astronomy, name a star
Ralph Lauren bedding, rose essential oil, rose botanical print, rainwater cistern, Dutch copper kettle, Emergen-C, sunglasses, Enya, Bayer Low-Dose Aspirin, baby aspirin, thermal wraps, foot roller, St. Dalfour, English muffins, organic coffee, tea, fruit preserves, Ghirardelli chocolate, hot chocolate, Bose Wave Radio, stereo, Bose headphones, Bose speakers, Bose mp3 player, The Sound of Music DVD
housewares, electronics, food, health, music

Business Description

A site dedicated to select housewares and foodstuffs. 10% of the proceeds go toward advances with the United Methodist Church of Farming for Churches and Rehabilitation for Widows and Orphans.

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