All in All Pastime and Curiosity Shoppe

8 Tolland Turnpike
WillingtonCT 06279
All in All Pastime and Curiosity Shoppe - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

new age, local, local crafts, local gifts, willington, gift shop, cards, unique gifts, handmade, chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage, reiki, meditation, wind chimes, tarot cards, unique cards, salt lamps, consignment, thoughtful gift.
New age products, tarot cards, cards, unique gifts, handmade gifts, jewelry, wind chimes, handmade jewelry, books, CD's.
Chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage, reiki therapy, guided meditation.
Local artists, crafts, and products.

Business Description

We are a family owned gift shoppe that thinks every single customer is important. We have local crafts, arts, and hand made products. Our unique gifts and cards are perfect for any age, gender, and occasion. Also offering services that include the ability to consult with a Chiropractor for wellness counseling, acupuncture, and adjustment by appointment at our location. River Song Wellness also provides massage and Reiki treatments by appointment at our location. Our meditation room is available for solo, guided, or group meditation. We are a very thought full and creative store providing interesting gifts, books, self improvement CD's, guided meditation CD's, jewelry, medicine bags, drums, wind chimes, aromatherapy, and more. Weekly promotions and specials. A great place to explore interesting hobbies and pastimes connected with metaphysics and wellness in a safe and sane environment designed to cultivate learning and creativity. Stop by to explore many interesting ideas, cultures, and beliefs or just for a quick stop to get a great gift and card. we have something for every age, gender, religion, and philosophy. Stop in, relax, explore. It's all good. You will be glad you did!

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