American Social Worker Network
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social work, social worker, counselor, mental health, association, organization, advocacy, empowerment, community, community change, community innovations, profession, professional, network, American, members, membershipblogging, job leads, book reviews, training reviews, opportunities for collaborative projects
The free exchange of ideas and information for social workers, counselors and related human service profession.
health and human service organizations
Business Description
This is a professional membership where social workers and counselors assess challenges in the profession itself and/or in the organizations that employ us, where members can champion our professional rights, brainstorm about clinical, programatic or institutional development, conduct collaborative projects and promote overall change. It is a living network where social workers and counselors exhange opinions, experiences, information, opportunities, career advice and tips about quality training/education available. The mission of the American Social Worker Network is to unite in a shared vision for an improved quality of life of all American citizens, to uphold and promote the authentic ideals of social work practice and to promote its integrity and advancement through the free exchange of ideas.
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