Amore Restaurant

2220 Gold Springs Ct # 102
Gold River, CA 95670
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Customer Reviews (4 reviews)


on Citysearch Oct 28, 2006
If you want pastries like they have in European, this is the place. I stop by at least 4x per week, get food for dinner, kabobs in a fantastic marinade, and the cakes and pastries-there is none better in town. Nader and... (more)


on Citysearch Oct 23, 2006
Another thumbs up.  My kids and I have had four or five dinners at AMORE and I cannot stop raving about it.  We love their soups, lasagna, mashed potatoes, and salmon.  And well, the desserts are... (more)


on Citysearch Oct 22, 2006
I love Amore! The food has a touch of class, the bakery is top notch, and every so often we get the take out dinners, and I love the petrale sole. Let's support them and keep them in gold river-think of them for a nice coffee... (more)


on Citysearch Oct 01, 2006
Amore is absolutely a treasure. It is simple, quick and sophisticated. I live and work in GR and I too hope Amore is well supported. The last time I remember this combination of convenience and quality, I lived in a big... (more)

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