Brown Barbara M

10150 Rogers Dr
Nassawadox, VA 23413
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Marriage & Family Counselors, Psychotherapists

Customer Reviews (10 reviews)

Betty B.

on Judys Book Aug 10, 2010
I would trust my counselor with my life, and I am. Barbara M Brown helps me turn stressful situations into easier to handle healthy discussions (more)

Betty B.

on Judys Book Aug 10, 2010
Very Special! I felt relief that someone really understood and could help me. I knew that they really cared what happened with me. Barbara M Brown is great couples therapist! (more)

Betty B.

on Judys Book Aug 10, 2010
I got d­iv­or­ce 5 year­s­ b­ack an­d­ was­ in­ d­epr­es­s­ion­ after­ th­at. I was­ on­ an­ti-d­epr­es­s­an­ts­. I con­tacted­ Barbara M Brown for­ coun­s­elin­g; s­h­e accepted­ an­d­ ackn­owled­ged­ m­y... (more)

Betty B.

on Judys Book Aug 10, 2010
Very openly and warmly and I knew I had contacted the right place for help. I highly recommend Barbara M Brown as the best family therapist in Nassawadox VA (more)

Betty B.

on Judys Book Aug 10, 2010
Barbara M Brown proposes life couch and family counseling services in Nassawadox VA. She is also wonderful counselor and therapist! (more)

by Betty B. at Judy's Book

on Citysearch Aug 09, 2010
I would trust my counselor with my life, and I am. Barbara M Brown helps me turn stressful situations into easier to handle healthy discussions (more)

by Betty B. at Judy's Book

on Citysearch Aug 09, 2010
I got d­iv­or­ce 5 year­s­ b­ack an­d­ was­ in­ d­epr­es­s­ion­ after­ th­at. I was­ on­ an­ti-d­epr­es­s­an­ts­. I con­tacted­ Barbara M Brown for­ coun­s­elin­g; s­h­e accepted­ an­d­ ackn­owled­ged...... (more)

by Betty B. at Judy's Book

on Citysearch Aug 09, 2010
Very openly and warmly and I knew I had contacted the right place for help. I highly recommend Barbara M Brown as the best family therapist in Nassawadox VA (more)

by Betty B. at Judy's Book

on Citysearch Aug 09, 2010
Barbara M Brown proposes life couch and family counseling services in Nassawadox VA. She is also wonderful counselor and therapist! (more)

by Betty B. at Judy's Book

on Citysearch Aug 09, 2010
Very Special! I felt relief that someone really understood and could help me. I knew that they really cared what happened with me. Barbara M Brown is great couples therapist! (more)

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