Business Information
paddle ball game, outdoor yard game, startup investorBUNKERBALL (R), an exciting sport similar to softball, except that the out-fielders cannot touch the ball with their hands, but must field it with PADDLE BAT ( tm ) which they carry. This outdoor yard game has been under development for years and the rules were established using input from many young players. It is played on a triangular shaped field using the unique combined PADDLE BAT. It is a sport that can be mastered and enjoyed by persons of any age, even those with limited sports ability. Unlike base ball or soft ball where MUCH OF A TEAM'S SUCCESS depends on a skilled pitcher and catcher, in this paddle and ball sport there is no pitcher or catcher. The batter pitches to himself or herself, first hitting the ball upwards using the lower or paddle end of the PADDLE BAT, then batting the ball away using the upper or bat end of the PADDLE BAT.
Business Description
Welcome to BunkerBall®
The game where fielders use the double ended paddle bat to field the ball!
A Soon-to-be Classic Outdoor Yard Game
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