CBM Records LLC

CBM Records LLC - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Atlanta Record Label, Atlanta Management Company, Georgia Record Label, Georgia Management Company, Artist Development, Publicity, CBM Records, CBM Management, Kimberly James
CD's, DVD's, Vinyl, Music, Tshirts, Entertainment
Artsit Development, Management, Distribution, Event Production, Publicity
Music and Entertainment Industries
Ga Music Awards, NARIP, IAA

Business Description

CBM Records is not just a label offering distribution, we also offer management, publicity, and put on some of the best events in Atlanta and beyond. Ran by Kimberly James, a Georgia native with 20 years in the music industry, it's fast becoming a top label and management company with focus on artist development. We have a lot of fun here and the entire company works together as business partners and family to work for the better of the whole as well as the individual.

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