Cutting Edge Lawn Services

100 Wade Ave
Knotts Island, NC 27950
Cutting Edge Lawn Services - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Landscape Contractors, Landscape Installation, Lawn care, Lawn & Grounds Maintenance, Commercial Landscaping, Residential Landscaping, Paver Installation, Garden Installation, Hardscapes, xeriscape, sodding, irrigation, walkways
Lawn Maintenance
andscape design and installation, commercial lawn maintenance, residential lawn maintenance, installation of walkways and patios, paver installation, xeriscaping, sprinkler systems, sodding and sod installation, hardscape installation, waterfalls, grading and stabilizing, decorative garden walls, foreclosure grounds maintenance, drainage problems, landscape lighting, mulching, weeding, blowing, mowing, pruning, retaining walls, fertilization, water gardens, waterscapes, ponds and waterfalls, storm cleanup, custom decks, outdoor kitchen, swimming pool, fence installation

Business Description

utting Edge Lawn and Landscaping of Virginia Beach, VA is a Professional landscaping company and contractor specializing in both residential and commercial lawn design and maintenance. We're the ones to call in Hampton Roads for landscape design and installation, commercial lawn maintenance, residential lawn maintenance, installation of walkways and patios, paver installation, xeriscaping, sprinkler systems, sodding and sod installation

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