Dairy Queen

6 S Maple St
Orwell, OH 44076
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Ice Cream Parlors, Restaurants, Foods-carry Out
Traditional American

Customer Reviews (3 reviews)


on Citysearch Aug 01, 2008
<b>In Short</b><br> Vanilla and chocolate soft-serve ice cream is the foundation for this chain's popular sundaes, banana splits, peanut butter parfaits, milkshakes and chocolate-dipped Dilly Bars and cones.... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Nov 05, 2005
but it was pretty good. They have a drive thru, eat in dining room and , you cand eat outside when the weahter is nice enough. it is on a main street! (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Jun 25, 2005
Great summer time treats! All of the favorites from cones to peanutbuster parfaits. Want a meal instead they also cover that with burgers etc. Not alot of parking so that isn't good....slow drive through,... (more)

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