Ditanyan Sye


Fax: (410) 696-8888
Ditanyan Sye - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

fitness, weight loss, health, lifestyle, goals, wellness, coaching, professional, life, diet plans, change of lifestyle
eBook, Eight Steps to Take Before Attempting to Lose Weight
Professional, Life, and Wellness Coaching
Coaching, Wellness, Fitness
World Coach Institute, International Coaching Federation
Certified Professional, Life, and Wellness Coach

Business Description

Guarantee your own results! Discover your compelling reasons to lose weight! Learn how to remove barriers from your life! Have you attempted several “diet” plans with minimal or no success? Have you experienced difficulty sticking with anything long enough to get the desired weight loss results? If you answered yes to any of the above, you are not alone. There are many people experiencing similar challenges. A strong reason for the lack of success may have been because there was not a thoroughly planned approach before starting the weight loss plan. This book and supporting templates will help you become who you want to be.

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