Drumm C. Dennis, PLS/PrimaCode Technologies

1005 High Street Hill Road
WindsorMA 01270
Drumm C. Dennis, PLS/PrimaCode Technologies - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Land Surveyor, Software Developer, surveys, Transform, Least-Squares Transformation, Boundary Lines Resolution, Boundaries, Title Lines
Land Surveyors
Premier product, PrimaCode Transform for Windows, a least-squares two-dimensional conformal coordinate transformation program; Primacode Calibrate (freeware)
Land Surveying and dispute resolution services as well as software products specifically designed for land surveyors.
Land Surveying, Engineering, Construction
MA Board of Registration of Professional Engineers & Professional Land Surveyors
MALSCE Land Surveyor of the Year Award - 1994

Business Description

Developer of Software for land surveyors and other measuring professionals as well as provider of land surveyor services primarily for the towns of western Massachusetts since 1980.

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