DSI Security

3355 George Busbee Pkwy 910
Kennesaw, GA 30160
DSI Security - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

home security, alarm monitoring, wireless alarm monitoring, security monitoring, home automation, connected home, outdoor lighting, home theater, intercom, central vacuum, home security companies, Atlanta alarm companies
2GIG, Qolsys, ademco, dsc, elk, everfocus, ge,honeywell, and many more.
Security System, alarm monitoring, wireless alarm monitoring, Home Automation, Home Theater, Intercom, outdoor lighting, smart home technology, surviellance systems, security cameras
Commercial, Residential, Office buildings, Industrial, restaurants, doctors offices, retail, rental homes
Partnered with Habitat for Humanity Atlanta to make security systems available to those in need, We also have partnered with Must Ministries which is heavily involved with helping people & families in need with food, clothing, housing, ect...

Business Description

DSI Security offers home security alarm monitoring service from $13/month with NO CHARGE TO SWITCH! Every installation carries a 3 year warranty! There are no credit checks for our service. DSI Security has partnered with Alarm.com to bring Atlanta area & North Georgia customers a solution to their home automation needs. Our smart home technology is a step above our competition because we can offer GPS location based automation and our service utilizes Verizon 4GTLE network. DSI has also partnered with 2GIG for the system we use which offers a wider range of options than other systems such as Honeywell & Total Connect Service. Visit our site for more details www.gothomesecurity.com or call 770-422-5055 for your FREE security needs analysis.

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