Earth Tracking Systems

Earth Tracking Systems - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

GPS satellite technology, track and recover stolen property, 24/7/365 monitoring of protected unit, stop theft of ac/heat units from churches, stop theft of ac/heat units from rental- vacation properties
'AC Trax' Residential Edition GPS 'AC Trax' Commercial Edition GPS
Sales and installation of GPS tracking device for ac/heat units to prevent theft and tampering.
Real Estate, Property Management, Churches, Day Care Centers, vacation- rental properties, property owners.
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Local Authorized distributor and installer of AC Trax GPS devices

Business Description

Our state of the art GPS satellite tracking device monitors your ac/heat units for unauthorized motion or movement 24/7/365, with no external powersource required. If moved, law enforcement is alerted and the signal from the unit is tracked in real time & recovered, the thief goes to jail !

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