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shopping cart hygiene, shopping cart handle cover, grocery cart, grocery cart handle, grocery cart handle cover, grocery cart hygiene, grocery cart bacteria, shopping cart bacteria, coupons, coupon holder, coupon organizer, health and hygiene, Kart Klip, Koupon Kaddie
Kart Klip with Koupon Kaddie
Retailer of Shopping Cart Handle Covers
Grocery, Shopping, Retail Stores, Health

Business Description

Retailer of shopping cart handle covers which are an eco-friendly solutions to shopping cart hygiene. Protect yourself from germs and bacteria that accumulate on shopping cart handles, while providing organization and storage for your coupons . Does not absorb germs, bacteria, spills or odors. Easily cleanable with common dish liquid. Conforms to Cart Handle; Constructed of Flexible Rubber Mat w/ Magnetic Closure; Magnetically Mounts to Refrigerator

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