Fernholm Publishing


Fax: 6364624305
Fernholm Publishing - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

sewing, books, stippled drawings, photos, poetry, prose, aphorisms, June Helen Fleming, Kim Lee Seagull, Blueberry Moon, Written on The Wind, Einstein, Gandhi, Rembrandt, Bertrand Russell, Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul II, trains, barn
self published books, stippled drawing prints, Phonographs
I self publish my own books
Printing company and supply stores
St. Louis Publisher Association, Independent Publishers Association, Span
Outstanding Young Men of America award Kim Lee Seagull 1984

Business Description

I am a publisher I have a website fernholmpublishing.com to sell my sewing books, stippled drawing prints signed by Kim Lee Seagull, photographs by June Helen Fleming I write my books and sell and publish my books. I published Kim Lee Seagull's Blueberry Moon because it is an excellent books of poems and aphorisms. I published Written on the Wind, it is a book that is full of wisdom for familes

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