Hapki Kang Yusul Martial Arts

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Business Information

Martial Arts, Self-Defense, Christian, Mixed, Hapki Kang Yusul, Hard and Soft Styles, Grappling, Weapons, Breaking, Punches, Kicks, Leverage Techniques, Throws, Takedowns, Hapkido, Aikido, Judo, Jujitsu, Submissions
Ask about a private Basic Self-Defense Class just for your group at your location or at ours! (Ladies, Men, Co-eds, Singles, Co-workers, Church Group, Home School, Youth, Scouts, etc)
The physical, mental, & spiritual training will challenge the entire body, the mind and the soul simultaneously in a wholesome environment where anyone can learn. Emphasis is placed on self-improvement rather than on comparison with others or on striving to meet unrealistic expectations. Biblical principles of good moral character such as respect, courtesy, encouragement and self-discipline are among the topics taught through short devotional studies at the beginning of each class. These principles will be modeled and measured along with the required physical requirements, to gauge a student's individual progress.
Some of the benefits students have been known to experience through Martial Arts: Physical Conditioning, Flexibility, Self-Defense, Endurance, Weight Control, Self-Control, Self-Discipline, Coordination, Honesty, Humility, Honor, Positive Attitude, Self-Esteem, Courage, Respect, Mental Alertness, Awareness, Focus, Perseverance, Encouragement, and many others.

Business Description

Hapki Kang Yusul (Korean-"Harmony of hard and soft techniques") uses hand strikes and foot strikes like the "hard" styles of martial arts (i.e. Karate, Tae Kwon Do, etc.), and blends them with the redirection of force, throws & takedowns, and submission holds & locks like those found in the "soft" styles (i.e. Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, Hapkido, etc.), for a well-rounded, mixed martial arts system of practical self-defense against many forms of assault, whether standing up or on the ground.

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