Harmony Veterinary

757 Conn Road
CoupevilleWA 98237
Harmony Veterinary  - Homestead Business Directory

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veterinarian, veterinary medicine, horse, Whidbey, Island, sheep, emergency veterinarian, ultrasound, prepurchase, examination, vaccinations, surgery, Dr. Farris, geld, castrate, float, equine, livestock, sport horse
Harmony Veterinary Services Portable Digital Radiography Joint Injections We are proud to be the first in the local area to offer imaging with digital ultrasound! Fully portable for travel to your farm to image and diagnose tendon and ligament damage, perform reproductive examinations, or find abnormalities within an organ. The Sonovet is state-of-the-art and can easily help assess a problem to get a more definitive answer. Let us come to your animal with our equipment, avoid the added stress of hauling, and keep your animal comfortable. At Harmony Veterinary we take care to provide our customers high quality services personalized for their unique needs. Our number one priority is the well being of our patients. In order to provide the highest quality care we provide a variety of services including: ​Like our ultrasound machine, our digital radiology is portable and provides diagnostic images in a matter of minutes. Clear digital images on CD or via email of your prepurchase or lameness exams are available for your records or for quick submission to orthopedic specialists. Trimming and corrective shoeing is greatly improved with radiographs of the hooves and lower limbs. With pictures of the internal structures of the feet we work closely with talented farriers to form an accurate soundness plan. Livestock and small animals benefit from our portable digital radiology as well. There are so many possibilities with this portable imaging equipment! These days there are many ways to keep your competitive horse at peak performance level or maintain your child's arthritic 4-H mount in comfortable, sound riding shape. Harmony Veterinary provides several options for joint health including joint injections, intravenous and intramuscular medications including Tildren, and complementary body and exercise protocols. Call if you have a horse that can benefit from joint therapy. Floating Horses teeth wear differently than our own, often creating sharp points and hooks that callus and lacerate the gumlines and the insides of the sensitive cheek tissue. Oral exams also provide a chance to look for tumors, fractured teeth, and evidence of metabolic disease. It is important to have your horses teeth examined annually to biannually and perform dental work as needed. Poorly maintained teeth contribute to health problems as well as training and behavioral problems. Dental examinations are a consistent component of our preventative health program. Vaccinations Vaccinations are a preventative measure that every animal owner should seriously consider. Vaccinations help us keep your animal in excellent health and prevent deadly or contagious disease. Each farm and even each horse can have different needs for vaccinations based on locality, travel exposure, and their age. A full physical examination including nutrition and general wellness information are included in the cost of the vaccinations. Check out the American Association of Equine Practitioners vaccination and preventative medicine recommendations on our site. PrePurchase Exams Our equipment, knowledge, and experience make Harmony Veterinary Services a prime choice for your prepurchase exam. Whether you have found a horse locally or many miles away we can provide clear information about the health and soundness of your potential purchase. Prepurchase exams often include radiograph and ultrasound imaging to help a buyer make the best decision in their purchase.

Business Description

Harmony Veterinary Services offers a variety of state-of-the-art treatment and diagnostic modalities. Specializing in equine sports medicine cases, soundness issues, digital imaging, pre-purchase evaluations in sport horses, as well as providing quality, professional medical care to Whidbey Island's livestock.

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