I Wireless Ctr
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Stadiums Arenas & Athletic Fields, Halls & Auditoriums, Banquet Rooms, Wedding Supplies & Services, Convention & Meeting Facilities & SvcConventions
Customer Reviews (6 reviews)
on Citysearch Jun 14, 2010Went to a great Paramore show there last month, and the tickets were $5-$10 cheaper then they we were in Chicago Top talent for Moline, IL- was pleasantly surprised (more)
on Citysearch May 08, 2010We waited in a line of cars for about an hour trying to get to the venue. When we got up close police waved us on until we realized that the main lot was full and they were simply waiving us past the venue. No one was directing... (more)
on Citysearch Jan 08, 2009the iwireless center is a great place to go and watch concertes or just watch something for entertainment thats why the iwireless center is such a huge part of the Quad City Area (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Dec 11, 2007The Mark of QC is a awesome venue. They host arena football, hockey, basketball, concerts, show, they have conference rooms, and are locate... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Mar 30, 2006The mark is a really nice arena that hosts many events from concerts to graduation ceremonies. Lots of seating to choose from. They also hav... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Nov 06, 2005The Mark is a very nice modern facility that is home to many events. They host concerts, sporting events, shopping bizarres, and Barnum & Ba... (more)