Jester's Playhouse

2408 New Rd
Northfield, NJ 08225
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Business Information

Comic Books, Novelties-retail, Games & Game Supplies

Customer Reviews (3 reviews)

gea k.

on Judys Book Mar 25, 2006
Jesters Playhouse, which is another store in a tough business. They sell all kinda of role playing and board games. They do a good job! They also sell a wide selection of comics, action figures, and models. They also... (more)

Steve K.

on Judys Book Mar 21, 2006
Jesters Playhouse, which is another store in a tough business. Selling Role Playing and board games. They do a good job! They also sell a wide selection of comics, action figures, and models. They also have many... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Aug 09, 2005
Jesters Playhouse not only offers tons of comic books, but they are a hobby store that has everything you need. They are willing to order a... (more)

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