Keppeler Family Farm Market

3211 County Road 6
Edgerton, OH 43517
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Business Information

Keppeler Family Farm Market, Meat, Eggs, Pork, Local, Produce, Flowers, Vegetables, Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, Pumpkins, Fall, Christmas Decor, Gift Baskets, Wholesale, Fundraiser, Farm, Fruit, Locally Grown, Beef
Pork, beef, brown eggs, chicken, vegetables, produce, Triple-Sweet sweet corn, tomatoes, peppers, green beans, cabbage, lettuce, zucchini, fall & winter squash, yellow squash, onions, potatoes, pumpkins, beets, gourds, watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, blueberries, apples, peaches, pears, cheese, pickles, candles, soaps, spa products, gift baskets, fruit, fall decor, bedding plants, vegetable plants, hanging baskets, patio pots, flowers, fall flowers, fall decor, christmas decor, grave blankets, wreaths, meat, & more.
Fundrasiers, Wholesale, Fall Festivities, Gift Baskets
Edgerton Chamber of Commerce

Business Description

We specialize in meat, produce, and special items. We grow 23 different kinds of produce. We raise our own pork & brown eggs. We use organic practices. Our market offers other local items from food to candles to bath type products. "We eat what we grow and you should too." Is our market slogan. We strive to bring you the best quality.

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