koehler and john

koehler and john - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

koehler, ohio indie rock band, cleveland indie rock band, local cleveland indie rock band, kohler, coler, little john, american king
indie rock/folk rock founded by douglas koehler former wallstone founder
sounds like cat stevens, sounds like simon and garfunkel, sounds like elo, sounds like queen,sounds like elton john, sounds like bob dylan, available for booking
singer songwriter douglas koehler, singer songwriter douglas edward,douglas edward music, ed smith is my alias, written with ed smith, written with douglas edward,
best darn band in the world award

Business Description

Koehler and John is a folk/rock/alternative/gospel duo founded by brothers Doug and Gabe (John) Koehler in early 2009. After playing together for three years in various clubs, bars, and churches as the band Wallstone, Doug and Gabe found a unique musical relationship and began collaborating on songs together. Doug had spent the previous four years, (2001 -2005) in Nashville pursuing his band Wallstone founded by he and brother Greg. After the four years Doug returned to Warren, Ohio, where he has continued writing, recording, and playing music. He and wife Robin (married 2006) have been blessed with two baby girls, both inspiration for Koehler and John songs. Koehler and John love to write for the masses, but are dedicated to returning their talents back to God above by sharing the joy and hope to be found and had in Christ Jesus. Contact info.: koehlerandjohn@yahoo.com

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