Kris Kross Komputer's

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Business Information

Computer Repair, Computer Problems, Viruses, Slow computer
HP, Dell, Apple, Lenovo, Acer, Toshiba, Asus, Samsung.
Some of our services include: Virus & malware removal Upgrades (RAM, hard drive, video cards, motherboards, software, etc.) Basic and advanced diagnostics Data backup Laptop repairs (including component repairs & DC power jack replacements) Data migration (from one computer to another) Software installation, upgrades, diagnostics, etc. We specialize in laptop hardware repairs including broken DC power jacks, cracked LCDs, motherboard replacements and data recovery.

Business Description

Kris Kross Komputers offers professional, reliable and affordable computer products and services, providing both on-site and in-store computer sales, services, upgrades and more.

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