La Salle Bed & Breakfast

517 W Washington Blvd
Fort Wayne, IN 46802
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Bed & Breakfast Accommodations
Bed & Breakfasts

Customer Reviews (3 reviews)

Yosef A.

on Judys Book May 28, 2007
I would recommend the LaSalle B&B to anyone staying in Fort Wayne, IN who is looking for a stay that is more special and economical than a hotel. In addition, the location is great -- they are in downtown near... (more)

Susan B.

on Judys Book Apr 16, 2006
I am so happy to review the Lasalle Bed & Breakfast, because I know the owners. I play piano for the owner, who teaches ballet. She grew up in France and Africa, and her husband grew up in Hollywood. They are such... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Jun 06, 2005
I am very happy to review the LaSalle Bed and Breakfast because I know its owner - I work with her. She is a wonderful woman and she and he... (more)

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