Lebherz Carpentry and Woodworking

Lebherz Carpentry and Woodworking - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

general contractor Sykesville md, general contractor Eldersburg md, general contractor Baltimore md, basement renovation Eldersburg md, basement renovation Baltimore md, kitchen remodeling Eldersburg md, kitchen remodeling Baltimore md, bathroom remodeling Baltimore md, built-in bookshelves Eldersburg md, built-in bookshelves Baltimore md, carpenter Eldersburg md, custom furniture Eldersburg md, custom furniture Baltimore md, kitchen renovation Baltimore md, kitchen renovation Eldersburg md, custom bookcases Baltimore md, custom bookcases Eldersburg md, home renovation Sykesville md, custom cabinetry Baltimore md, custom cabinetry Eldersburg md
Kitchen remodeling, bathroom remodeling, basement renovations, custom furniture building, built-in bookshelves, custom cabinetry, carpentry, woodworking
Licensed by Maryland Home Improvement Commission #10577

Business Description

Lebherz Carpentry is an owner operated business that has been serving the Greater Baltimore area for over 30 years. At Lebherz Carpentry we will work with you from the beginning to the end of your home renovation. We will design a plan for you, and then build and install every aspect of your project. We specialize in kitchen renovations, bathroom renovations, and basement renovations. We also specialize in custom furniture and built-ins. We accept projects of any size. Please call to schedule your free estimate.

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