Loved One's Remembered llc

Rural Route 3, Box 56aa
OwensburgIN 47453
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Business Information

Cemetary, Headstone, Monument, Gravesite, Lawn Care

Business Description

Have you or other family members recently visited the gravesite of your loved one, and noticed that the headstone was dirty, dull and in need of cleaning? Did you also notice that the gravesite had the grass cut, but the area around the headstone was not well trimmed and needed weeding? It's often difficult or impossible for family members to visit the gravesite due to illness or just everyday pressures. We at "Loved Ones Remebered LLC" understand that families would like to know their loved one's gravesite and headstone will be attended to and kept clean and flowers placed at the site on special occasions. We at "Loved Ones Remembered LLC" will provide sensitive, and respectful care of your loved one's gravesite in your absence. We will provide you with peace of mind that shows you care when you can't be there.

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