Marketing Cents4U

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Business Information

Small Businesses, Marketing, Consulting, Web Design, Blogging, Social Media, Interior Decor Marketing, Curb Appeal, Marketing Plans, Workshops, Seminars, Networking, Relationships, Partners, Event Planning, Events, Boothbay Harbor, Maine, Mid-Coast Region
Web Design, Marketing Opportunities, Workshops, Seminars, Networking, Social Media, Package Marketing, Trade Shows, Interior/Outside Marketing Plans, Events, Event Planning, Fundraising, Sponsorships
Boothbay Harbor Region Chamber of Commerce

Business Description

At Marketing Cents 4U, we believe this to be the secret to small business success. All too often, small business owners find themselves in, what we like to refer to as marketing denial... ? We know what we need to do, but we just don't have time to do it and we can't find an affordable alternative, ? Well, at last there is a solution to this conundrum that has been plaguing small business owners for decades... Marketing Cents 4U. ? At MC4U, business owners will have the opportunity to become part of a marketing team that is centered on building relationships, trust and loyalty. The MC4U team will provide the resources, the support and the personal attention that their 'partners' need and deserve. And most importantly, MC4U will provide a medium for small business to network with other businesses who share in the same beliefs. ?

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