Metal Works by Sue

Metal Works by Sue - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

sue taylor, ashford, metal hummingbirds, metal butterflies, metal turkey, metal roosters, metal fish, metal flowers, metal horses, metal birds, metal hummingbirds with connected flowers; chickens, santa, turkey metal;
Hummingbirds, butterflies, flowers, roosters, turkey, santa, chickens, peacocks, etc. any size from 6" up to 5 ft.
I enjoy taking peoples orders and producing for them something that will last for a long time. Seeing their face when that receive the finished product is worth all the labor and time. I personally cut each item, prepare it the paint, which I hand paint each item.

Business Description

sue taylor, Metal decorations for the home and yard, metal decorations for backyard, metal decorations for house, metal decorations for home; campers; walls

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