501 Holly Grove Road
LewisburgTN 37091
MID-TENN SAND, LLC - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Sand, Topsoil, Gravel, Rock, Stone, Masonry, Landscape Materials Trucking, Excavating, Dump Truck, Swimming Pool sand, Bulk Bags, Compost, Construction products, Bobcat work, Construction materials, hauling, golf course sand, Nashville Sand delivery, Tennessee Sand delivery, Middle Tennessee Sand delivery
Brown River Sand (Fine Masonry Sand) Bunker Sand Coarse Concrete Sand White Sand Chirt Crusher Run Pea Gravel – 5/8 “ Pea Gravel- 3/4 “ Quarter Down (Block Material) River gravel Shelly Rock Compactable Red Dirt (Fill Dirt) Fill Dirt Screened Topsoil Topsoil Compost
Dump Trucking Bobcat Work Gravel Driveways Demolition Services
Contractors Landscapers Home Owners Golf Courses Swimming Pools

Business Description

Mid-Tenn Sand, LLC began servicing the Middle Tennessee area in 2001, specializing in sand delivery for the construction industry- with its one and only dump truck. Because of their excellent customer service and quality product, many customers began asking Mid-Tenn Sand to expand their products and services. Today, Mid-Tenn Sand offers more land products and services than ever before. Much more than sand, the company stocks and delivers a variety of top soils, gravels and composts to meet the needs of their customers. With the growth of services, additional employees have been added- providing new job opportunities in the local community. Local entrepreneur, Ronnie Dalton, founded Mid-Tenn-Sand over ten years ago. As the business grew, his son, Neil Dalton, joined the company and the two manage all operations. Based in their hometown of Lewisburg, TN, Ronnie and Neil continue to grow the company- maintaining a strong core sand and topsoil business, while continuing to expand their other products and services. Licensed, bonded and insured- call or email us today for a free custom quote!

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