Oak Hill General Store
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Grocers-retailGrocery Stores
Customer Reviews (7 reviews)
on Citysearch Nov 16, 2008These "people" do not understand anything else but making a buck.They are ignorant and hateful and will NEVER see a dime of my money. Obviously some of their customers are the same. I am ashamed to say I live in the same... (more)
on Citysearch Nov 16, 2008WMTW Channel 8, November 16, 2008 STANDISH, Maine ? A sign at a Standish convenience store has attracted the attention of federal investigators. A reporter for the Associated Press said he saw a sign at the Oak... (more)
on Citysearch Nov 15, 2008I'm sure that all of the fine folks of Standish, Maine are so proud that you have put their town on the international map. Your disgusting display of ignorance is nothing short of repulsive. I can only wish that the... (more)
on Citysearch Nov 15, 2008I hope someone burns the place down. No one would be sad to see it go. For a bunch of prejudiced, ignorant, pathetic losers to do what these inbred hicks have done shows how much ignoance still remains in America. I hear... (more)
on Citysearch Nov 14, 2008Mmmm..delicious treats filled with hatred and bigotry. Follow that with a bitter drink of intolerance, and you get the idea of what's sold here. BOYCOTT THESE BIGOTS. Put them out of business.... (more)
on Citysearch Nov 14, 2008Come to their yearly inbred picnic and enjoy the father, second cousin sack race! I would like to tell them to enjoy this review, but it does not say SEE SPOT RUN! (more)
on Citysearch Nov 14, 2008What a bunch of HATEFULL trashy people!!! DON"T buy from these people!! Hope there is a special place in hell for them... (more)