Oblate Sisters of Providence

701 Gun Road
Baltimore, MD 21227

Fax: 4102424963
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Business Information

Religious Community, Eucational Services, Tutorial Services, Daycare Center, Adult Education, Primary and Middleschool tutorial, retreat facilities, spiritual counseling and guidence

Business Description

The first congregation of women religious of African American descent. The community has thrived over the past 180 years in 25 cities in the United States, Cuba, Costa Rica, and Dominican Republic and most recently Africa. As the world's first congregation of women religious of African descent, we spread the good news of Christ by our faith, our love for God, and our firm hope and trust in God's providence by following the teachings of Mother Lange, our saintly foundress. We are dedicated and comitted to God's people regardless of race, creed, color or denomination. Our work is primarily among African American communities in the inner cities and Caribbean countries. In these ministries we continue Mother Lange's tradition of education and service to the poor, the neglected, and to all those in need. The primary deteminants of our ministries are a keen awareness of and a positive response to the signs of the times.

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