Paradise Tree Farm

86335 Lewiston Highway
Enterprise, OR 97828
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Business Information

Paradise Tree Farm, trees, Christmas trees, nursery stock, landscaping, grand fir, concolor fir, subalpine fir, blue spruce, cultured, high-altitude trees, NE Oregon, Wallowa County, balled and burlapped, transplanting, small business, Inland Empire Christmas Tree Association, basal pruned, spring dig, hand selected
Christmas Trees - Grand Fir, SubAlpine Fir, Concolor Fir, and Colorado Blue Spruce Nursery Stock - SubAlpine Fir, Colorado Blue Spruce, and Concolor Fir
Consultant, Tree Planting, Tree Digging
Inland Empire Christmas Tree Association, Oregon Association of Nurseries

Business Description

Located at 4,000 feet in the Blue Mountains of NE Oregon, Paradise Tree Farm has been in operation since 1985, producing cold-hardy Christmas trees and nursery stock. Our cool NW summers and cold winters provide ideal conditions for growing beautiful trees. Cool springs allow for a delayed bud break, which increases our success in transplanting nursery stock. Paradise Tree Farm is a family-owned business. John Sullivan has been involved with the growing of trees for over 25 years. Brenda, his wife, just retired from teaching and their daughter Kate attends college. At busy times of the year, one will find all three working on the farm. John is involved in several growing organizations and is considered a reliable resource of information on the growing and shaping of trees. Paradise Tree Farm has been providing quality trees to repeat customers for many years. Nursery stock is harvested in the spring. Trees are dug, balled, burlapped, and placed in wire baskets. Customers have the option of purchasing the trees in the field and conducting their own harvest, or purchasing them on the truck (FOB). Species grown for nursery stock include concolor fir, subalpine fir, and Colorado blue spruce. Christmas trees are hand selected, cut, and tied into tight bundles with baling string to protect the branches and to provide for easier handling. All of our trees have been basal pruned to give the customer a nice "handle" at the trunk. Christmas tree prices are FOB at the farm. Please call or e-mail us for current price lists of Christmas trees or nursery stock. We are located 40 miles north of Enterprise Oregon, 3 miles off Highway 129 (Lewiston Highway) on Rye Ridge Road. Visitors are always welcomed.

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