Pathway 2 Paradise

Pathway 2 Paradise - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information Truth-telling, DELF Ministries DELF USA Behavioral Health Services
TRUTH-telling is the most powerful human expression possible. This is our most important product. We, at P2P, share this product freely with all truth seekers -- everywhere!
We minister; we counsel; and we advocate on behalf of all who come to us. We seldom charge for any services. We do accept DONATIONS.
We are affiliated with the and the ministries.
American Counseling Association
Nationally Certified Counselor

Business Description

Online truth-telling ministry: sharing biblical truths with all truth seekers. Providing health and safety information to all who seek a better and higher quality of life and living. "If health in the wellness of HEAVEN is your destination, then, TRUTH in transparency must be your TRANSPORTATION.

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