Pathways Eldercare Consulting

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Business Information

Advocacy, Aging, Caregiving and Dementia care, Eldercare management, LGBT Aging, Presentations
Comprehensive Assessment, Care Plan Development and followup, Care Management, Caregiving Strategies, Information and Referral, Facilitate eldercare and caregiver forums, Lectures/Presentations
Long Term Care: Assisted Living, Home Health Care, Memory Care, Adult Day Services, Senior Centers, Area Agencies on Aging
National Care Planning Council, MICare Planning Council, National Family Caregivers Association, Alzheimer's Association of Michigan, Gay Elders of Southeast Michigan (GESEM), Human Rights Campaign (HRC), Old Lesbians Organizing for Change (OLOC), Servic

Business Description

Eldercare consultants specialize in assisting older adults, caregivers, families, and other representatives in navigating the uncharted terrain of life's journey as we age. Enlisting the services of an Eldercare consultant (care manager) ensures you will always have an experienced professional by your side.

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