Patterson Paving Co.

164 Route 32 7
Oakdale, CT 06370
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Business Information

new haven residential paving, new haven commercial paving, new haven industrial paving, new haven driveways, new haven seal coating, new haven parking lots, new haven excavation, new haven grading, new haven concrete, new haven asphalt, new haven driveway repair, New London county, Litchfield county, Middlesex county, Windham county, Hartford, New Haven, Fairfield county, Tolland County, Norwich

Business Description

For over 50 years, Patterson Paving has been the preeminent New Haven paving specialist, providing services throughout all of Connecticut and New England. Our work will last a lifetime, with proper maintenance. We are happy to provide a long list of references upon request. As always, estimates are free of charge. Visit our website for a photo gallery and to learn how to save $200 on your paving job!

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