Picture Me Portrait Studios

2875 E State St
Salem, OH 44460
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Customer Reviews (3 reviews)


on Citysearch Aug 01, 2008
In this studio, customers approve each photograph immediately after they're taken. Canvas prints, personalized greeting cards, magnets and more available. (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Jun 01, 2007
I think it has been great for our town to get a Walmart and if you can't afford the extras why buy them instead a post a review complaining about them.. DUH there prices are good there lines are too long at times but overall... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Jun 08, 2006
Walmarts package prices are always great. BUT....it the extras that will kill you and your pockets. The props are in need of new ones and sometimes I think the girls need more training in dealing with squirming... (more)

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