Private Social Media Networks, Inc.

81 Fort Salonga Rd Suite C
NorthportNY 11768
Private Social Media Networks, Inc. - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Social Media, Social Media Networks, Weepwa,, Private Social Media Networks, Private Social Media Networks Inc., John Dowling, John Joseph Dowling Jr., Social Networks, Social Networking
Private Social Media Networks, Inc. Social Media and Broadcasting Platform.
Custom software development and creative services to customize Private Social Media Networks, Inc. Platform to customer specifications.
All industries interested in keeping their private data secure and at the same time make it easy and efficient to communicate with their employees and customers. Optionally deploying public social media networks and broadcasting networks as well.

Business Description

Private Social Media Networks, Inc. is a Software Development and Internet Marketing Company who has developed a unique Private Social Media Networking and Broadcasting Platform for private schools, production companies, large brands, and any company that wants to deploy its own social media network. Private Social Media Networks customizes its platform for companies around the world who understand the risks associated with posting private company data on public social media networks. However, whom understand the benefits of communicating using the same tools and features of the public social media networks. Private Social Media Networks, Inc. provides a foundation also for production companies and large brands to deploy social networks where the integrated add banner and administrative system make it very easy to manage and monetize community based content. Especially for independent producers and cinematographers. Basically Private Social Media Networks Platform does all the work for you and is an extremely cost effective platform.

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