Prominent Foods, Inc.


Fax: 850-912-8485
Prominent Foods, Inc. - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Steaks, Chicken, Pork, Seafood, Frozen Dinners, Vegetables, Desserts, Food, Grocery, Free Home Delivery, Online Grocery Store, Quality Food, Affordable Food, Nationwide Food Store, Food Packages, Food Boxes, Prominent Foods, Lunch Foods, Dinner Foods, Frozen Foods
Meats: (Steak, Chicken and Pork), Seafood, Frozen Dinners, Vegetables, Desserts and misc. side items.
We offer a top of the customer service that is friendly and ready to help you with any questions you might have. We offer home delievery for local areas and nation wide delievery by mail. We accept all major credit cards, bank cards and EBT cards.
Mobile Food Industry, Online Food Stores, Wholesale food industry, Grocery Store Industry

Business Description

Prominent Foods is a food store that offers a wide range of products. Weather you want to buy online or over the phone we are here to meet your grocery needs.

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