Roberts Tire and Auto Service
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Business Information
Auto Repair, New Lenox, 60451, auto, repair, car repair, Roberts Tire, Firestone, Pep Boys, Oil Change, Oil, Car, Service, Auto Repair new lenoxAuto Repair and Maintenance
MONDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 5:30PM |
TUESDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 5:30PM |
WEDNESDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 5:30PM |
THURSDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 5:30PM |
FRIDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 5:30PM |
SATURDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 3:00PM |
Business Description
We are one of the leading auto repair shops serving customers in Homer Glen, IL and surrounding areas. All automotive repair and mechanic services at Roberts Tire & Auto Services Center are performed by highly qualified mechanics. Our mechanic shop works on numerous vehicles with the use of quality truck and car repair equipment. Whether you drive a passenger car, medium-sized truck, mini-van, or SUV, our mechanics strive to ensure that your vehicle will be performing at its best before leaving one of our service bays.
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