Sam's Club

3805 North Blvd
Alexandria, LA 71301
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Wholesale Clubs, Department Stores, Retail Shops, Pharmacies, Tire-dealers-retail
Discount Stores

Customer Reviews (5 reviews)

Wayne y.

on Judys Book Dec 10, 2006
If you have parites you are planning for Christmas or New Years, or just simple everyday type parties you should do your shopping at Sam's Club for all of your party supplies.From paper products to food, you will find... (more)

sharon y.

on Judys Book Sep 12, 2006
I'd take Sam's Club over Costco any day of the week.Sam's is a "good value" shop. I always find bargains in our local Sam's Club store.We don't have a Costco here in Alexandria, la. or anywhere close to us. I have been... (more)

Wayne y.

on Judys Book Aug 25, 2006
I enjoy shopping at Sam's Club. I do shopping for family and for the snacks at work. I find the prices are really good especially for the resale items like the snack type items.My son loves it when he comes in from school... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Jun 18, 2005
I love the Sams here. They always have everything we are looking for and at the right price. It is the best place to buy stuff for the kids lunches. Cleaning supplies and house hold things. It is located perfectly by the... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Jun 11, 2005
Sam's is a good place to get the paper products, canned goods etc at discount prices when purchased in bulk. One thing I like is their meat department. Good pricing and very nice quality meats.... (more)

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