Sherman's Book & Stationery

5 Commercial St
Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538
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Book Dealers-retail
Art Supplies

Customer Reviews (3 reviews)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Nov 29, 2005
Sherman's books is a decent little bookstore in Boothbay harbor, ME. The downstairs is filled with toys, art supplies, gifts, and souvenirs.... (more)

Amy B.

on Judys Book Jul 29, 2005
Sherman's books is a decent little bookstore in Boothbay harbor, ME. The downstairs is filled with toys, art supplies, gifts, and souvenirs. The upstairs is where the books are, as well as more art supplies. The... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Jul 20, 2005
I always look forward to our annual trip to Boothbay so that I can go to Shermans. It is a book store, a gift shop, a toys store, a card st... (more)

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