Sorrells Chicken Farm

307 Cedar Drive
Phillipsburg, MO 65722

Fax: N/A
Sorrells Chicken Farm - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Chickens, Ameraucana, Brahama, Cochin Bantam, Game, Poultry, Farming, Garden, Vegtables, French Copper Marans, Farm, Livestock, Eggs, Hatching, Chicks, Easter Egger
Chicks, Hatching Eggs, Eggs in general, we have brown egg layers, easter egg layers that lay green, blue and pink eggs, and small white egg layers, and other
We buy and sell anything Chicken related. We sell chicks and hatching eggs. We will incubate your eggs for you if you have your own.

Business Description

Small family chicken farm in Phillipsburg, MO. We incubate our own eggs, sell hatching eggs, chicks. We have French Copper Marans, Brahama's, Ameraucana's, and Cochin Bantams.Our chickens are not hormone fed, they are very health chickens.

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