Spectrum House

2627 Creighton Rd
PensacolaFL 32504
Spectrum House - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Down Syndrome Pensacola fl, autism centers Pensacola fl, autism crestview fl, autism pensacola, pediatric therapy crestview fl, speech therapy milton fl, tutoring pensacola fl, educational services milton fl, ADHD milton fl, autism treatment milton fl, ABA milton fl, therapy center milton fl, behavioral therapy crestview fl, Crestview, ABA Navarre
Therapy services and educational services.
Therapy, behavioral, and educational services for children and young adults with special needs.
Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Masters Degree Special Education

Business Description

The mission of Spectrum House is to provide comprehensive, high quality behavioral and educational services to children with Autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome and other related neurological disabilities, utilizing research based, scientifically validated techniques designed to assist each child in developing to their fullest potential

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