The Doorway to Recovery

33634 W Eight Mile Rd
Farmington Hills, MI 48335

Fax: 248-987-6477
The Doorway to Recovery - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

sober, living, home, residential, addiction, recovery, treatment, substance abuse, alcohol, abuse, doorway, suboxone, scholarship, behavioral, dependency, drugs, heroin, testing
Sober Living Homes, Recovery Homes, Drug and Alcohol Recovery Homes, Counseling, Interventionist, Peer Support Coaching, Drug Court Liaison, Work Search Program, Health and Wellness Programs, as well as any Referrals or Paperwork one might need.
Counseling, Drug/Alcohol Testing, Certified Interventionists on staff, Drug Court/Probation/Parole/Legal Liaison, Peer Support Coach, Career Support and Assistance.
Healthcare, Mental Heath, Chemical Dependency, Behavioral Health, Addictionology, Addiction Recovery, Sober Living, Sober Homes, Women's Addiction Recovery, Drug Treatment Court, Task Force Advisory, Dual Diagnosis Support and Housing,
MADCP, NADCP, Edge Venture, Wayne County Task Force, and Promise Keepers

Business Description

We continue to provide the safest and cleanest structured sober living facilities in the Metro Detroit area. They are very welcoming and comfortable homes that aid in the recovery process. The goal for every person in recovery is to become a responsible, loving, and respected individual at home and in the community. A home differs from a house by providing the following: Safety is number one, meticulously clean, structured yet supportive living arrangements. The home itself provides a safe space and others in the homes are eager to help encourage individuals to maintain or repair any relationships with family and friends. A very structured home which creates a safe space for the individual to re-gain and manage a daily routine as well as allowing space for the individual to concentrate on the twelve steps of recovery. Encouragement, assistance, and support for maintaining or seeking employment. We provide many resources, references, and tools including peer support to promote and simplify the process of resume writing to interviewing. AA, NA, Open Talks, Big Book studies, Back to Basics, and Spiritual Meetings all held in house or through the main office. Certified addiction counseling available to participant families. The main office is our meeting center when we have men's and women's groups, weekly program meetings which all residents must attend, Back to Basics classes weekly, open resource time for job searching, library with fiction and non-fiction books to check out as well as magazines, group board game nights, art therapy classes, special events, guest speakers, and study groups. Please check back you our website often as we will be expanding programming soon! If you have a great idea for new programs, please cal us and let us know what you would like to see next!

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